Thursday, December 1, 2011

Partnership Agreement

  Jahleel McGowan and I have decide to start a partnership. The name of our new business is Next Flight Athletes Sport Shop. The purpose of us coming together is to make sure all athletes have the necessities they need to perform at their greatest. We both plan to have this business until we both feel like its time for us to retire. We both want to remain limited so that no boundaries are cross and so that to much work is not put on the other partner. Like I said earlier, so a lot of work is not placed on a partner we plan to split keeping records of the business. Half of the year he keep the records and the other half I take of it. We both want to be equally responsible for any losses or profits our business. For all of the profits that our business get we split it 50/50 so no one is able to get greedy with the money. If one of us was to die in the middle of  business we both agreed to allow somebody from the other family to come and take the place of their love one so that the business still go on and most importantly the other family still gets some type profit from the business. If any disagreements come about, we both want to sit down before/after hours and come to a reasonable decision that is best for our business. As for responsibilites of us both we want to be very flexible so that the business can run smoothly.