Friday, October 21, 2011

Chapter 3 Reflection :)

  Before We beginned this chapter, I had no idea what the eight entrepreneurial trends were. 1. Internet business conducting business online, 2. Service business intangible things that are done to make our life much easier, 3. Home-Based business conducting business from your house, 4. nonprofit business a business that does a job without a fee( giving back to the community), 5. Focus on tecnology, 6. outsourcing which is contracting with other business for a service, 7. Strategic Alliance two companies coming togather under on name and finally 8. Corporate Ventures which is a smaller business formung inside a lager  business. I knew what a franchise was but I didn't know that a business broker was the person to bring a franchisee which is the buyer and the franchisor which is the seller togather. I learned how McDonald's bacame famous because of Ray Kroc. I learned advantages of being in a family business, trudt, loyalty, and togatherness, but at the same time the disadvantages conflict and money.

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