Thursday, September 22, 2011

Chapter 2 Reflection- The Potential of an Entrepreneur

    Before we did this chapter, I was already aware that anybody could be an entrepreneur if they had what it took. I didn't know the tweleve characterics of and entrepreneur which are risk-taking, goal-oriented, action-oriented, responsible,persistant, independent, restless, enthustatic, creative,  realistic, self-confident, and last but not least self-dmanding. We learned each of those in dept. I didn't know about the percentages like 62% had parents or realitives who owned business, or like 40% had high school diploma's or less and to me that seemed like a low number but I guess its not. I already knew about role-models because when kids are young they tend to state who they admire or look up to. I already knew about competition because a lot of businesses have rivaries,which they compete for customers. We also talked about the rewwards and the risk of entrepreneurs. The biggest reward to me is being your own boss because you don't have to be told what to do,and being creative because you get to use your own ideas and run your business how you want it to run. The biggest risk is losing investments because its not always guarented that you get all the money back that you placed in your business, and not spending a lot of time with your family because of late hours or work.

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