Thursday, September 8, 2011

Do I Have What It Takes to Become An Entrepreneur?

  On the self assessment we took, I scored a 77. So to my understanding I have the satisfactory ability to be an entrepreneur. Which to means I have the potential to become a successful entrepreneur. On the assessment I was completely honest and gave myself only seven 5, five 4, six 3, and one 1. The area I gave myself a one was in One or both of my parents were entrepreneurs because neither of my parents are, but I know my mother wish she could be. I gave myself a 3 in the first question because honestly I really don't believe I could do 50 hours a week regularly. My decision making isn't quite where it needs to be, but I 'm willing to get better at making good decisions. The very last question do I have good network of friends, professional, and business acquaintance I put a 4 because as of right now I do believe I'm hanging around a good crowd of friends who have similar goal as I do, which are making out of high school and graduating college and have a successful career.I placed a 5 in the area where I would take full responsibility for the success and failures of my business. I put that because my parents are teaching me when I do wrong it's nobody fault but my own. So I know when i get my business I have to keep that in my mind.

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